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There are more than 500 hospital furniture projects


There are more than 90 certificates of industry qualification


More than 200 product testing reports


There are more than 91 national patent certificates

Guangdong Huachan Furniture Manufacturing Co., LTD. (" Huachan Medical "for short) is a professional and comprehensive enterprise integrating research and development, production, sales and service, as well as one of the largest professional medical furniture manufacturing enterprises and overall solution providers in China.

Products cover outpatient, clinical, nursing, medical technology, auxiliary, administrative and other units of the full series of medical furniture, the medical furniture industry is the only one that has won the "Top Ten brands of Chinese hospital furniture" for six consecutive years, the "Top Ten Suppliers of Chinese Hospital Construction Medical furniture" for six consecutive years, has provided the overall medical furniture supporting services for more than 500 medical institutions in the country.


Corporate philosophy
Mission of China Exhibition
Huacheng Medical grows up with the best hospitals in China!
Huacheng Vision
By combining the international leading technology with China's national conditions, we will become the leader of China's medical furniture industry!
Huacheng values

Ingenuity: ingenuity, intentions to serve

Integrity: do what you say, do what you do

Equality: equality, mutual help, achievement each other

Passion: enthusiasm, sunshine, active

Development history
The modern office building of Huazhan Medical's Qingyuan headquarters was completed
Won the Top Ten Suppliers of Chinese Hospital Furniture and the Top Ten Brands of Chinese Hospital Furniture for the sixth consecutive time
Huazhan's medical marketing division broke through 15
Invited to participate in the compilation of "Guidelines for the Design and Configuration of Medical Furniture"
Intelligent Operating Room Behavior Support System Officially Released
Huazhan Medical Brand Upgraded in an All-round Way
Included in CCTV's "Ingenuity" column
Passed a number of international system certification
Huazhan Medical was established
Detail Views
Honorary qualifications
National recognition Industry recognition
National High-tech Enterprise
Specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises in Guangdong Province
China famous brand
From 2016 to 2022, it has been rated as one of China
National Hospital Furniture Supporting Engineering Product Green Production Base
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telephone 18818471808
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