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Intelligent operating room behavior support system
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Intelligent operating room behavior support system

Guangdong Huacheng Furniture Manufacturing Co., LTD. (abbreviated as: Huachang Medical) with its outstanding quality of outpatient, clinical, nursing, medical technology, auxiliary, administrative and other full series of medical furniture, once the 22nd National Hospital Construction Conference and International Hospital Construction, Equipment and Management Exhibition (CHCC2021 for short), has become the focus of attention, the booth site crowds, consultation constantly.

On October 14, Zhou Lianping, Deputy general manager of Huacheng Medical, was invited to the media interview room of CHCC2021 to fully demonstrate the transformation, innovation and R&D capabilities of excellent medical furniture enterprises to local media in Shenzhen.

In this year's CHCC2021 exhibition, Huachan Medical showcased its new products to the hospital construction industry with a booth of 300 square meters. The third generation of "Hospital operating room behavioral support system" and the second generation of "hospital infection prevention and control equipment" appeared on the same stage, demonstrating the new look of the development of medical furniture with wisdom. Zhou Lianping said: "This year, Hua Exhibition medical will 'prefabricated ward' industrialization solution into the exhibition site, it is our joint with a number of industry professional brands jointly created, facing the future more personality, comfortable, harmonious intelligent ecological medical space, with medical facilities and intelligence, art organic combination, to further realize the harmony of people, science and technology, environment."

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Guangdong Huacheng Furniture Manufacturing Co., LTD. (abbreviated as: Huachang Medical) with its outstanding quality of outpatient, clinical, nursing, medical technology, auxiliary, administrative and other full series of medical furniture, once the 22nd National Hospital Construction Conference and International Hospital Construction, Equipment and Management Exhibition (CHCC2021 for short), has become the focus of attention, the booth site crowds, consultation constantly.

On October 14, Zhou Lianping, Deputy general manager of Huacheng Medical, was invited to the media interview room of CHCC2021 to fully demonstrate the transformation, innovation and R&D capabilities of excellent medical furniture enterprises to local media in Shenzhen.

In this year's CHCC2021 exhibition, Huachan Medical showcased its new products to the hospital construction industry with a booth of 300 square meters. The third generation of "Hospital operating room behavioral support system" and the second generation of "hospital infection prevention and control equipment" appeared on the same stage, demonstrating the new look of the development of medical furniture with wisdom. Zhou Lianping said: "This year, Hua Exhibition medical will 'prefabricated ward' industrialization solution into the exhibition site, it is our joint with a number of industry professional brands jointly created, facing the future more personality, comfortable, harmonious intelligent ecological medical space, with medical facilities and intelligence, art organic combination, to further realize the harmony of people, science and technology, environment."

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